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Articles avec le tag profiling

Auteurs: Adrien Champion
Date: 2020-12-01
Catégorie: Rust

Memthol is a visualizer and analyzer for program profiling. It works on memory dumps containing information about the size and (de)allocation date of part of the allocations performed by some execution of a program. For information regarding building memthol, features, browser compatibility… refer... (Lire plus)

Auteurs: Çagdas Bozman
Date: 2013-04-22
Catégorie: OCamlPro

This post aims at summarizing the activities of OCamlPro for the past month. As usual, we worked in three main areas: the OCaml toolchain, development tools for OCaml and R&D projects. The toolchain Our multi-runtime implementation of OCaml had gained stability. Luca fixed a lot of low-level bugs in... (Lire plus)