Une équipe hautement qualifiée pour travailler avec vous

Muriel Shan Sei Fan

As OCamlPro's CEO, Muriel is devoted to fostering a passionate and powerful team of OCaml, Rust and Formal Methods experts, at the service of a community of clients. Before that, she used to ... Show

Fabrice Le Fessant
Founder and CSO

Fabrice founded OCamlPro in 2011 after using OCaml for about 15 years at Inria. His free-software contributions range from improvements in OCaml itself to development tools (OCamlMemprof, ... Show

Pierre Chambart
CTO and Senior R&D Engineer

Pierre has a Ph.D. in Computer Science, obtained in the Specification and Verification Laboratory at ENS Cachan. After his PhD, he spent 12 months as an Engineer working on the Ocsigen Web Framework at IRILL, ... Show

Julien Blond
Senior R&D Engineer

Julien holds a PhD from Université Paris 6 in formal methods and compilation. He has a long experience in applied formal methods in security systems and Common Criteria certification with a major ... Show

Vincent Laviron
Senior R&D Engineer & Deputy CTO

Vincent holds a MSc from ENS Ulm, focused on static analysis by abstract interpretation. He then spent several years working on static analysis of functional languages, before joining OCamlPro ... Show

Damien Doligez
Senior R&D Engineer

Damien holds a PhD in computer science from Université Paris 7. He is one of the main authors of the OCaml system and an expert in memory management and garbage collection. He joined OCamlPro in October 2015.

Nathanaëlle Courant
Senior R&D Engineer

Nathanaëlle holds a PhD in computer science, during which she studied efficient and verified reduction and convertibility tests for theorem provers, and a MSc at ENS Paris. She joined ... Show

Louis Gesbert
Senior R&D Engineer

Louis holds a PhD from University Paris Est, and has studied at EnsIIE, University of Manchester and University of Tokyo. He has a strong background on programming languages and distribution, and was ... Show

Steven De Oliveira
Senior R&D Engineer

Steven holds a PhD in formal verification from the Paris-Saclay University and the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) since 2018. After a Master in Cryptography he worked in the Frama-C team, ... Show

Raja Boujbel
Senior R&D Engineer

Raja holds a PhD in software deployment and multi-agent systems from University of Toulouse. Previously, she had studied functional programming and compiler design at Université Pierre et ... Show

Basile Clément
Senior R&D Engineer

Basile holds a PhD in Computer Science from ENS Ulm, during which he worked on translation-validation for numerical scientific code with Albert Cohen and Xavier Leroy ... Show

Guillaume Bury
Senior R&D Engineer

Guillaume holds a research Master in computer science from Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France, and has studied the integration of rewriting techniques inside SMT solvers during his ... Show

David Declerck
Senior R&D Engineer

David has done his PhD at Université Paris-Sud, during which he extended the Cubicle model checker to support weak memory models as well as wrote a compiler from a subset of the x86 assembly ... Show

Keryan Didier
Senior R&D Engineer

Keryan joined the team in 2020 as a R&D engineer. He holds a PhD from University Pierre et Marie Curie, during which he developed an automated implementation method for hard real-time ... Show

Nicolas Berthier
Senior R&D Engineer

Nicolas Berthier obtained his PhD in Computer Science at the University Grenoble-Alpes, where he studied energy-aware programming for embedded systems in the Verimag laboratory. Before joining OCamlPro in ... Show

Jean-Marie Hauwel
Head of Partnerships

Jean-Marie comes from an economic and financial background and has always evolved in the ecosystem of research valorization. Within OCamlPro, he works on setting up/monitoring research projects and in particular the SuperBOL offer.

Khouloud Gara Ali
Communication Manager

With a double Master's in Digital Communication and E-influence, Khouloud brings expertise in crafting compelling narratives and implementing impactful digital strategies to elevate OCamlPro's communication efforts.

Pierre Villemot
R&D Engineer

Pierre holds a PhD in Mathematics from University of Grenoble. After his PhD, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Weizmann Institute during three years. His research focused on transcendental ... Show

Arthur Carcano
R&D Engineer

Arthur is a Rust developer interested in performance optimization, software design, and crafting powerful and user-friendly tools. After completing his M.Sc. in Computer Science at ENS Ulm, he ... Show

Léo Andrès
R&D Engineer

Léo joined OCamlPro in 2020. He holds a PhD from Paris-Saclay University. He works on Wasocaml, a compiler from OCaml to WebAssembly using Flambda. He is also the main developer of Owi, ... Show

Hichem Rami
Ait El Hara
R&D Engineer
PhD Student

Hichem holds a Master’s degree from Sorbonne University, focused on functional programming and formal methods. He's currently a CIFRE PhD student at OCamlPro and the CEA-List (Paris Saclay ... Show

Boris Eng
R&D Engineer

Boris is part of the GnuCOBOL team since January 2024. He holds a PhD from Université Sorbonne Paris Nord and a Master's degree from the Parisian Master of Research in Computer Science (MPRI). ... Show

Artemiy Rozovyk
Software Engineer

Artemiy has a Master's degree from Paris 6 Sorbonne University. During his scolarship he did several internships working with OCaml preprocessors and ... Show

Dario Pinto
Software and Systems Engineer, Technical Writer

Dario is passionate about languages as a whole. In 2018, after his English Degree, he went on to validate a double major at the French programming school 42Paris by 2023. Previously intern at ... Show

Noé Ensarguet
Software Engineer

Noé graduated from École Polytechnique after an exchange year at the University of Oxford, where he studied pure maths and theoretical computer science. He is now involved in OCamlPro's work on the ... Show

Emilien Lemaire
Software Engineer

Emilien first joined OCamlPro as intern to work on the SuperBOL parser and analyzer. He since officially joined the company to work on both the COBOL and Rust teams. ... Show

Amaëlle Aubry

Amaëlle has a Master's degree in Architecture and Design of Integrated Systems at Paris VI. She used to be engineer and manager for several years. ... Show