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Articles écrits par Thomas Blanc

Auteurs: Thomas Blanc
Date: 2020-03-24
Catégorie: OCaml
Tags: best fit, fr, gc, ocaml

An in-depth Look at OCaml’s new "Best-fit" Garbage Collector Strategy Le GC d’OCaml oeuvre discrètement à l’efficacité de vos allocations mémoire. Tel un héros de l’ombre, il reste méconnu de la plupart des hackers OCaml. Avec l’arrivée d’OCaml 4.10, il s’enrichit d’une nouvel... (Lire plus)

Auteurs: Thomas Blanc
Date: 2020-03-23
Catégorie: OCaml
Tags: ocaml, highlights, GC

An in-depth Look at OCaml’s new "Best-fit" Garbage Collector Strategy The Garbage Collector probably is OCaml’s greatest unsung hero. Its pragmatic approach allows us to allocate without much fear of efficiency loss. In a way, the fact that most OCaml hackers know little about it is a good sign:... (Lire plus)

Auteurs: Thomas Blanc
Date: 2020-01-10
Catégorie: Tooling

The Opam 2.0 cheatsheet, with a new theme! Earlier, we dusted-off our Language and Stdlib cheatsheets, for teachers and students. With more time, we managed to design an Opam 2.0 cheat-sheet we are proud of. It is organized into two pages: The everyday average Opam use: Installation, Configuration, ... (Lire plus)

Auteurs: Thomas Blanc
Date: 2019-09-20
Catégorie: OCaml

A look back on OCaml since 2011 As you already know if you’ve read our last blogpost, we have updated our OCaml cheat sheets starting with the language and stdlib ones. We know some of you have students to initiate in September and we wanted these sheets to be ready for the start of the school yea... (Lire plus)

Auteurs: Thomas Blanc
Date: 2019-09-14
Catégorie: OCaml

Les mémentos (cheat-sheets) OCaml lang et OCaml stdlib partagés par OCamlPro en 2011 ont été mis à jour pour OCaml 4.08. Le langage OCaml OCaml Standard Library Si vous souhaitez contribuer des améliorations: sources sur GitHub. En savoir plus : Updated Cheat Sheets: OCaml Language and OCaml S... (Lire plus)

Auteurs: Thomas Blanc
Date: 2019-09-13
Catégorie: OCaml

In 2011, we shared several cheat sheets for OCaml. Cheat sheets are helpful to refer to, as an overview of the documentation when you are programming, especially when you’re starting in a new language. They are meant to be printed and pinned on your wall, or to be kept in handy on a spare screen. ... (Lire plus)