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Articles tagged by inlining

Welcome to a new episode of The Flambda2 Snippets! The F2S blog posts aim at gradually introducing the world to the inner-workings of a complex piece of software engineering: The Flambda2 Optimising Compiler for OCaml, a technical marvel born from a 10 year-long effort in Research & Development and ... (Read more)

Authors: Chambart
Date: 2013-07-11
Category: OCaml

As announced some time ago, I am working on a new intermediate language within the OCaml compiler to improve its inlining strategy. After some time of bug squashing, I prepared a testable version of the patchset, available either on Github (branch flambda_experiments), or through OPAM, in the follow... (Read more)

Authors: chambart
Date: 2013-05-24
Category: OCaml

Doing the compiler's work Working at OCamlPro may have some drawbacks. I spend a lot of time hacking the OCaml compiler. Hence when I write some code, I have a good glimpse of what the generated assembly will look like. This is nice when I want to write performance sensitive code, but as I usually w... (Read more)