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Articles written by chambart

Authors: chambart
Date: 2018-04-01
Category: OCaml
Tags: OCaml

This time of the year is, just like Christmas time, a time for laughs and magic... although the magic we are talking about, in the OCaml community, is not exactly nice, nor beautiful. Let's say that we are somehow akin to many religions: we know magic does exist , but that it is satanic and shouldn'... (Read more)

Authors: chambart
Date: 2017-04-01
Category: OCaml
Tags: OCaml

As you may have noticed, on the begining of April I have some urge to write something technical about some deeply specific point of OCaml. This time I'd like to tackle that through sudoku. It appeard that Sudoku is of great importance considering the number of posts explaining how to write a solver.... (Read more)

Authors: chambart
Date: 2016-04-01
Category: OCaml
Tags: OCaml

As you may know, there is a subset of Javascript that compiles efficiently to assembly used as backend of various compilers including a C compiler like emscripten. We'd like to present you in the same spirit how never to allocate in OCaml. Before starting to write anything, we must know how to find ... (Read more)

Authors: Chambart
Date: 2013-07-11
Category: OCaml

As announced some time ago, I am working on a new intermediate language within the OCaml compiler to improve its inlining strategy. After some time of bug squashing, I prepared a testable version of the patchset, available either on Github (branch flambda_experiments), or through OPAM, in the follow... (Read more)

Authors: chambart
Date: 2013-05-24
Category: OCaml

Doing the compiler's work Working at OCamlPro may have some drawbacks. I spend a lot of time hacking the OCaml compiler. Hence when I write some code, I have a good glimpse of what the generated assembly will look like. This is nice when I want to write performance sensitive code, but as I usually w... (Read more)