Description of the Optal Language
Short Tutorial
Describing Optimization Goals
The minimal thing needed to describe a problem is a goal.
minimize 3 + 4
This describes an expression to be minimized. It is also possible
to ask for maximization.
maximize 3 + 4
This is a particularily uninteresting problem since the objective
is a constant, hence there is nothing to optimize. To define the
search space, we need variables.
dvar float x
maximize x
This tells that there is a variable x which has a value in the
real set. This won't also provide any insightfull result since
there is no maximal value for reals. To limit the search space
we can add constraints.
dvar float x
maximize x
constraints {
x <= 3
By constraining x to be lower than 3, the problem has an optimal
solution, that appens to be for x = 3. We now have seen the 3
main parts of an optal script: the names declarations, the
goal and the constraints. They must appear in that order.
Simple production problem
Giapetto wants to know how many numbers of wooden trains and
soldiers he should build each week to maximize its profit.
// Giapetto build and sell wooden trains and soldiers
dvar int soldier
dvar int train
/* He wants to maximize its profit.
A soldier costs 3¤ and a train 2¤. */
maximize 3 * soldier + 2 * train
constraints {
// He builds a positive number of soldiers and trains
soldier >= 0;
train >= 0;
/* He has a finite amount of time: he works 5 days per week
and works 7 hours per day.
A train takes 1 hour to build and soldiers, a bit more */
1.85 * soldier + train <= 5 * 7 ;
/* A soldier and a train takes 1 unit of wood to build and
giapetto buys 30 each week */
soldier + train <= 30;
Using iterators
It is possible to use forall and sum keywords to simplify big
forall allows to define a set of constraints, sum simplifies
writing big constraints. More details on those syntax is explained
dvar int soldier
dvar int train
alias Products = < soldier, train >
// an array containing the variables soldier and train
alias Times = < 1.85, 1 >
alias Wood = < 1, 1 >
alias Profit = < 3, 2 >
alias index = indexOf(Products)
// the array <0, 1>, used to iterates on other arrays
maximize sum(i in index) Profit[i] * Products[i]
// Profit[0] * Product[0] + Profit[1] * Product[1]
constraints {
forall(prod in Products) prod >= 0;
// Products[0] >= 0 && Products[1] >= 0
sum(i in index) Times[i] * Products[i] <= 5 * 7;
sum(i in index) Wood[i] * Products[i] <= 30;
The Optal Language : a Reference
OPTAL has C style comments with /* */ and //.
/* a comment /* some imbricated comment */ end of the comment */
maximize 1 // the end of the line is a comment
Basic types
The basics types of OPTAL are: bool, int, floats,
linear expression and linear constraints.
Integers expressions are integer constants and operator between integers.
6 * (1 + 3) - 5
Division is not allowed between integers.
Floats expressions are float constants and operators between floats.
6. * (1.3 + 3.) - 5.2 / 12.2
operators between integers
and floats are authorised and behave as operation on floats.
The basics boolean expressions are the constants true and false,
and combinations using not && and ||
true || false && not false
Arithmetic expressions on booleans are authorized and converted to
integers, false is converted to 0 and true to 1.
Boolean expressions are also the results of comparison between integers,
floats and booleans. Those are true expressions
1 <= 2
2 == 2
4 >= 3
3 != 2
3 < 3.1
true > false
Linear expressions
Basic linear expressions are constant integers or floats, or variables
declared by
dvar float some_float_var
dvar int some_int_var
dvar bool some_bool_var
arithmetic expressions between linear expression and float or ints are
linear expressions.
3 * some_float_var
2. + some_int_var
Sum and difference between linear expressions are linear expressions.
3 * some_float_var + 2 * some_int_var - some_bool_var
Notice that product of linear expressions are forbidden.
Linear constraints
Linear constraints are the results of comparison between linear expression.
3 * some_float_var <= 2 * some_int_var
3 * some_float_var == 3
3 * some_float_var >= 3
Comparisons using != > and < are not authorised.
Linear constraints can be combined using &&
3 * some_float_var <= 2 * some_int_var &&
3 * some_float_var >= 3
Symbols are names declared by the syntax
Structured types
OPTAL has 2 types of structured types, arrays and maps.
Arrays are dense integer indexed data. Arrays can be built using the syntax:
< 1, 2, 3 >
Access to array elements is done through the syntax
< 1, 2, 3 >[1]
This returns 2, the first index is 0.
Maps are sparse data indexed by any value, but are accessible
using symbols. Maps indexed by symbols can be declared using the
{ name1 : 3, name2 : 4 }
Access to symbol indexed maps is done through the syntax
{ name1 : 3, name2 : 4 }.name1
Maps indexed by other types than symbols can be accessed through
the [] syntax.
{ name1 : 3, name2 : 4 }[`name1]
For instance if
is indexed by arrays of size 2,
it can be accessed using.
Patter operators
Sum allows to evaluate an expression for each elements of an
array or and object and do the sum of the results.
sum(x in <1,2,3>) (x * 3)
sum(x in {a:1,b:2,c:3}) (x * 3)
are equivalent to
(1 * 3) + (2 * 3) + (3 * 3)
The parameter of sum is a set of patterns binding variables names to values.
sum(x in <1,2>, y in <3,4>) (x + y)
wich is equivalent to
sum(x in <1,2>) sum(y in <3,4>) (x + y)
sum(x, y in <1,2>) (x + y)
is equivalent to
sum(x in <1,2>) sum(y in <1,2>) (x + y)
A single pattern can bind multiple variables:
sum(<x,y> in <<1,3>, <2,4>>) (x + y)
sum(x in <1,2>) sum(y in <3,4>) (x + y)
Patterns can be constrained. The expression is evaluated only when the
constraint is satisfied.
sum(x in <1,2,3>: x != 2) x * 3
is equivalent to
(1 * 3) + (3 * 3)
It is possible to use implicit equality constraints
sum(x in <1,2>, x <2,3>) (x * 3)
is equivalent to
sum(x in <1,2>, y <2,3>: x == y) (x * 3)
Forall is like sum but the union operator is && instead of +.
forall(x in <1,2>) (x >= 2)
(1 >= 2) && (2 >= 2)
Other functions
The range binary operator takes two integers (a,b) and returns the array
of integers between a and b.
1 .. 3
is the array
<1, 2, 3>
The indexOf function takes an array or a map and returns the array of the
If arr is an array or a map.
sum(x in indexOf(arr)) arr[x]
is equivalent to
sum(x in arr) x
Max returns the biggest value of an integer collection.
is 3
Returns the last index of an array, i.e. the length - 1
is 2
It is possible to declare some alias for expressions
alias x = 3 * 4
alias y = x + 2
It is not possible to redeclare already declared variables.
Linear variables can be declared by the dvar keyword with a type associated.
dvar float some_float_var
A set of variables can be declared by the syntax
dvar float var_set[set]
If set is a collection containing integers var_set is an array
indexed by the elements of set, otherwise it will be a map. For
arrays, index must be consecutive and starting with 0.