opam 2.1.0~rc2 released

Date: 2021-06-23
Category: Tooling
Tags: opam

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The opam team has great pleasure in announcing opam 2.1.0~rc2!

The focus since beta4 has been preparing for a world with more than one released version of opam (i.e. 2.0.x and 2.1.x). The release candidate extends CLI versioning further and, under the hood, includes a big change to the opam root format which allows new versions of opam to indicate that the root may still be read by older versions of the opam libraries. A plugin compiled against the 2.0.9 opam libraries will therefore be able to read information about an opam 2.1 root (plugins and tools compiled against 2.0.8 are unable to load opam 2.1.0 roots).

Please do take this release candidate for a spin! It is available in the Docker images at ocaml/opam on Docker Hub as the opam-2.1 command (or you can sudo ln -f /usr/bin/opam-2.1 /usr/bin/opam in your Dockerfile to switch to it permanently). The release candidate can also be tested via our installation script (see the wiki for more information).

Thank you to anyone who noticed the unannounced first release candidate and tried it out. Between tagging and what would have been announcing it, we discovered an issue with upgrading local switches from earlier alpha/beta releases, and so fixed that for this second release candidate.

Assuming no showstoppers, we plan to release opam 2.1.0 next week. The improvements made in 2.1.0 will allow for a much faster release cycle, and we look forward to posting about the 2.2.0 plans soon!

Try it!

In case you plan a possible rollback, you may want to first backup your ~/.opam directory.

The upgrade instructions are unchanged:

  1. Either from binaries: run
bash -c "sh <(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ocaml/opam/master/shell/install.sh) --version 2.1.0~rc2"

or download manually from the Github "Releases" page to your PATH.

  1. Or from source, manually: see the instructions in the README.

You should then run:

opam init --reinit -ni

We hope there won't be any, but please report any issues to the bug-tracker. Thanks for trying it out, and hoping you enjoy!

About OCamlPro:

OCamlPro is a R&D lab founded in 2011, with the mission to help industrial users benefit from experts with a state-of-the-art knowledge of programming languages theory and practice.

  • We provide audit, support, custom developer tools and training for both the most modern languages, such as Rust, Wasm and OCaml, and for legacy languages, such as COBOL or even home-made domain-specific languages;
  • We design, create and implement software with great added-value for our clients. High complexity is not a problem for our PhD-level experts. For example, we helped the French Income Tax Administration re-adapt and improve their internally kept M language, we designed a DSL to model and express revenue streams in the Cinema Industry, codename Niagara, and we also developed the prototype of the Tezos proof-of-stake blockchain from 2014 to 2018.
  • We have a long history of creating open-source projects, such as the Opam package manager, the LearnOCaml web platform, and contributing to other ones, such as the Flambda optimizing compiler, or the GnuCOBOL compiler.
  • We are also experts of Formal Methods, developing tools such as our SMT Solver Alt-Ergo (check our Alt-Ergo Users' Club) and using them to prove safety or security properties of programs.

Please reach out, we'll be delighted to discuss your challenges: contact@ocamlpro.com or book a quick discussion.