opam 2.0.8 release

Date: 2021-02-08
Category: Tooling
Tags: opam

We are pleased to announce the minor release of opam 2.0.8.

This new version contains some backported fixes:

  • Critical for fish users! Don't add . to PATH. [#4078]
  • Fix sandbox script for newer ccache versions. [#4079 and #4087]
  • Fix sandbox crash when ~/.cache is a symlink. [#4068]
  • User modifications to the sandbox script are no longer overwritten by opam init. [#4020 & #4092]
  • macOS sandbox script always mounts /tmp read-write, regardless of TMPDIR [#3742, addressing ocaml/opam-repository#13339]
  • pre- and post-session hooks can now print to the console [#4359]
  • Switch-specific pre/post sessions hooks are now actually run [#4472]
  • Standalone opam-installer now correctly builds from sources [#4173]
  • Fix arch variable detection when using 32bit mode on ARM64 and i486 [#4462]

A more complete release note is available.

Installation instructions (unchanged):

  1. From binaries: run
$~ bash -c "sh <(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ocaml/opam/master/shell/install.sh) --version 2.0.8"

or download manually from the Github "Releases" page to your PATH. In this case, don't forget to run opam init --reinit -ni to enable sandboxing if you had version 2.0.0~rc manually installed or to update you sandbox script.

  1. From source, using opam:
$~ opam update; opam install opam-devel

(then copy the opam binary to your PATH as explained, and don't forget to run opam init --reinit -ni to enable sandboxing if you had version 2.0.0~rc manually installed or to update you sandbox script)

  1. From source, manually: see the instructions in the README.

We hope you enjoy this new minor version, and remain open to bug reports and suggestions.

NOTE: this article is cross-posted on opam.ocaml.org and ocamlpro.com, and published in discuss.ocaml.org.

About OCamlPro:

OCamlPro is a R&D lab founded in 2011, with the mission to help industrial users benefit from experts with a state-of-the-art knowledge of programming languages theory and practice.

  • We provide audit, support, custom developer tools and training for both the most modern languages, such as Rust, Wasm and OCaml, and for legacy languages, such as COBOL or even home-made domain-specific languages;
  • We design, create and implement software with great added-value for our clients. High complexity is not a problem for our PhD-level experts. For example, we helped the French Income Tax Administration re-adapt and improve their internally kept M language, we designed a DSL to model and express revenue streams in the Cinema Industry, codename Niagara, and we also developed the prototype of the Tezos proof-of-stake blockchain from 2014 to 2018.
  • We have a long history of creating open-source projects, such as the Opam package manager, the LearnOCaml web platform, and contributing to other ones, such as the Flambda optimizing compiler, or the GnuCOBOL compiler.
  • We are also experts of Formal Methods, developing tools such as our SMT Solver Alt-Ergo (check our Alt-Ergo Users' Club) and using them to prove safety or security properties of programs.

Please reach out, we'll be delighted to discuss your challenges: contact@ocamlpro.com or book a quick discussion.