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Services on Blockchains

Services on Blockchains

Since 2014, OCamlPro has built a huge experience on blockchains, in particular in the following projects:

  • Design, prototyping and finalization of the Tezos blockchain, from 2014 to 2019;

  • Design, development, deployment and maintenance of TzScan, the most popular block explorer of Tezos;

  • Design and development of Liquidity, a smart contract language on top of Tezos Michelson low-level language;

  • Design and development of Ironmin, a highly-efficient storage layer for Tezos to replace Irmin;

  • Creation of the Origin Labs spin-off, to create the Dune Network blockchain, a fork of Tezos technology;

  • Design and development of Love and Dune-Solidity, smart contract languages on Dune Network, a fork of the Tezos technology;

  • Member of the Formal Verification Sub-Governance of FreeTON/EverScale, and winner of multiple prices for developments and audits of Solidity smart contracts;

  • Development of blockchain applications on top of Avalanche, Tezos, Dune Network, Ethereum and Bitcoin;

Consulting on Blockchains

OCamlPro provides consulting services for Blockchain projects. We can help in the choice of blockchain technologies, the design of application architectures and audit smart contract codes in various languages.

Training on Blockchains

OCamlPro provides training services on blockchains and crypto-currencies. Courses can target software developers to learn about specific blockchain environments, or non-developers to better understand the blockchain ecosystem, the various crypto-currencies and how to interact with them.

Development of Smart Contracts

OCamlPro develops smart contracts in various smart contract languages, like Michelson, Liquidity or Camligo on Tezos, and Solidity in EVM-based blockchains. With their deep expertise of programming languages, developers at OCamlPro can rapidely learn new blockchain technologies and deliver high-quality contracts for any blockchains.

Formal Verification of Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are a good target for formal verification: they are small pieces of code, where bugs can cost huge amount of money. Every year in the blockchain industry comes with its stories of 8-digit losses due to bugs in smart contracts design or code.

Thanks to our experience of formal verification, OCamlPro is able to design and implement verification techniques for smart contract languages and runtimes, and use them to prove the correctness of smart contract codes against their specification.

We already have experience of such verifications for FreeTON/Everscale Solidity smart contracts, and we are now working on verification of Solidity smart contracts for other blockchains. We also have experts of Coq who can use the Mi-Cho-Coq framework to verify Tezos Michelson smart contracts.

Applications Development

We have been involved in the development of several blockchain applications, from blockchain-only distributed applications (using for example Everscale Debot technology, or interactions through Metamask) to 3-tier blockchain applications. We usually develop such applications using OCaml for reliability, but we have also experience in using other languages such as Rust or Node.js.