OCaml expert and beginner training by OCamlPro (in French): Nov. 5-6 & 7-8
In our endeavour to encourage professional programmers to understand and use OCaml, OCamlPro will be giving two training sessions, in French, in our Paris offices:
- OCaml Beginner course for professional programmers (5-6 Nov)
- OCaml Expertise (7-8 Nov).
The "Expert" OCaml course is for already experienced OCaml programmers to better understand advanced type system possibilities (objects, GADTs), discover GC internals, write "compiler-optimizable" code.
These sessions are also an opportunity to come discuss with OCamlPro's OPAM & Flambda lead developers and core contributors in Paris.
Training in English can also be organized, on-demand.
Register link: http://ocamlpro.com/forms/preinscriptions-formation-ocaml/
This complements the excellent OCaml MOOC from Université Paris-Diderot and the learn-OCaml platform of the OCaml Software Foundation.
About OCamlPro:
OCamlPro is a R&D lab founded in 2011, with the mission to help industrial users benefit from experts with a state-of-the-art knowledge of programming languages theory and practice.
- We provide audit, support, custom developer tools and training for both the most modern languages, such as Rust, Wasm and OCaml, and for legacy languages, such as COBOL or even home-made domain-specific languages;
- We design, create and implement software with great added-value for our clients. High complexity is not a problem for our PhD-level experts. For example, we helped the French Income Tax Administration re-adapt and improve their internally kept M language, we designed a DSL to model and express revenue streams in the Cinema Industry, codename Niagara, and we also developed the prototype of the Tezos proof-of-stake blockchain from 2014 to 2018.
- We have a long history of creating open-source projects, such as the Opam package manager, the LearnOCaml web platform, and contributing to other ones, such as the Flambda optimizing compiler, or the GnuCOBOL compiler.
- We are also experts of Formal Methods, developing tools such as our SMT Solver Alt-Ergo (check our Alt-Ergo Users' Club) and using them to prove safety or security properties of programs.
Please reach out, we'll be delighted to discuss your challenges: contact@ocamlpro.com or book a quick discussion.
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